Artist: Mastodon
Album: Jonah Hex Revenge Gets Ugly
Released: 2010
Style: Heavy Metal
Format: MP3 320Kbps
Size: 74 Mb
01 – Death March
02 – Clayton Boys
03 – Indian Theme
04 – Train Assault
05 – Death March (Alternate Version)
06 – Clayton Boys (Alternate Version)
1 Response
what I am just about to say, amen!-That emos are mostly about espiexsrng yourself and stands for emotion/emotional and in some cases (this is going to sound insane but hear me out) you have to be born emo because, alot of the emo image is being very intact with your emotions and being able to understand yours and others emotions well. They are usually very friendly and despite what you’ve heard, they do not, i repeat, DO NOT, cut themselves. emo is in NO WAY AT ALL associated with self-harm or suicide in any way, shape, or form. Trust me, I know this for a fact. The whole cut yourself kill yourself thing is a complete and disrespectful rumor that some idiot made up and like most lies, it spread through wispers, internet, email, etc until it was worldwidely labeled as emo. And now that people think this is true, there are wannabe emo kids/ wemos who just aren’t emo and weren’t meant to be, that cut themselves thinking that when they do this they will be emo, but they are dead (or soon to be dead) wrong wow that was a stupid joke -off topic!- How do i know this? because I used to be one, and i’m not proud of it although, emo is really impossible to explain to some one or to be put into a deffinition, it is something that one needs to figure out for themselves to know the true meaning of it. I had to figure it out ofr myself because it is too complicated to be explained, all i can do is merely start you off on the right path to understanding it, and give you hints and trues or falses, just small things that can sort of guide you. Even if you figure out what it truly is, you may not end up being an emo in the end, like i said before, it is something that alot of people have to be born as, its like a personality or a certain way that you look at things in life, and I’m not saying that if you took every emo kid in the world that they would all agree on each others views and thoughts, of course, every one thinks differently. But i was the rare occasion where it ends up that the wemo was a true emo all along, and just didnt know it and just because most emos these days are wemos they’ve atleast got the style right . and remember, just because one emo/wemo cuts themselves, it doesn’t mean every emo cuts themselves. That’s right emo/wemo . alot of emos do actually cut themselves and some DO commit suicide, not always because they think it makes them emo, some truly 100% emo people do in fact commit suicide and do self-harm, but the thing is, even if they weren’t emo, they’d probably be doing it anyways now to all you parents out there, stop trying to make your child something they aren’t, and probably never will be. And im not saying let them dress like a slut and get raped or let them be a slut if that is who they want to be but as long as they aren’t getting hurt, if they want to dye their hair, the most you can do is talk to them about it and put in your POV’s. Ask them why they want to dye it and discuss why you don’t want them to, because in the end if they are emo, they will be emo despite what you say, this is the reality, and im sorry to say it but your efforts will have gone to waste in the end. And if you truely love them, then you won’t care about what others think when they see you in public. And if you true love them, you will respect their free will and their rights to their body. Again, im not saying that its ok for them to be going out to clubs or fuck-fests but let them express who they are, and let them be themselves because these days, parents tell their kids to do exactly that, but when they decide to do so and not care what others think or say, and go to the mall wearing florescent colours in their hair, or baggy pants. or skinny jeans, or socks and sandals, why should we judge them? they have the confidence to not care about looking cool or being accepted, or fitting in they care that they themselves like how they look and it doesn’t matter what we like or don’t like, or if we think it isn’t right to wear their hair in their face. And when they find love, it will be true because theyare not changing themselves to suit some one and if that person wants them, they will like them for themselves! btw i think the hair in their face is pretty hot as a matter of fact!
Posted on October 23rd, 2014 at 7:08 pm
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